During the summer months there is at least one music festival or major event on every weekend with anywhere from 100 to 1000+ people working on it.
The event and festival industry in Australia employs 1000’s of people mostly on a casual or part time basis and while there are a range of existing employment, labour-hire and volunteer agencies successfully operating in the industry, Sitecrew is here to fill the gap by providing a small niche personalised service for the positions not typically filled through labour-hire companies or student placement agencies.
Whether it’s bar staff at Big Day Out, gate staff for Soundwave Festival, or scrimming crew for St Jerome’s Laneway Festival Sitecrew can make it happen.
Get noticed and work on the best events!
Sourcing the right people for the job can be time consuming and a hit and miss affair, finding a position in the industry can be complicated with many positions not even advertised.
Typically jobs and positions in the industry have been filled through word of mouth but as events and festivals have become bigger and as the time demands on event and site managers increase, the ability to recruit and place the right person in the job has got harder and harder. And if you are the one looking for work or volunteer opportunities at a festival or event it can be difficult to get that first elusive break in the industry.
Sitecrew will provide an easy to use job and positions listing board that links producers who have casual and short term positions to fill with would be volunteers, workers and site crew. We'll create a dedicated festival and event specific recruitment, referral and employment service that provides a range of human resource related solutions to the event and festival industry including
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